
Opensurvey Trend Report

What is trend report?

Opensurvey Trend Report is a report that contains the latest Korean consumer trends in various fields of the 3 following themes: Eat, Buy, and Play. It covers diverse industries such as beauty, grocery purchase, mobile shopping, media content, Generation Z, and social media. Certain topics include global consumer data as well.
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Trend Report Executive Summary

2022 4Q

2022 3Q
2022 2Q
2022 1Q

How do we make trend report?

Latest Trend Search - We look for news and trends, add Opensurvey’s point of view, and plan a report overview.
Questionnaire Design and Setting - We design and review the questions to effectively gather the answers to our question. We program the survey questionnaires and test them on the Opensurvey platform.
Data Collection - We collect (proprietary/ global partner’s) panelist opinions through Opensurvey‘s Data Collecting System (web/app).
Result Analysis & Report Writing - We write a report based on the analysis of collected data using our data analyzing platform ‘OpenAnalytics’
Completion - The fastest way to access completed Trend Reports is via Opensurvey Newsletter.
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